[2012] The Celestial Emporium of Benevolent Knowledge


This work is a contribution to "Artefacts 2012", an exhibition curated by Roger Mc Donald in 2010 following on a phenomenon at the time which forecasted the "end of history" in 2012. (see "2012 phenomenon" on Wikipedia for more)

Simultaneously a reverse archaeology, a time capsule and an invisible show, the exhibition was buried for 2 years in an aluminium suitcase in Nagano by the curator, only to be dig up in 2012 after the supposed end day (Dec 21). The artworks were then exhibited at the Fenberger House Museum, Nagano, Japan (www.fenbergerhouse.com)

Artists: Yason Banal, Federico Herrero, Christian Hidaka, Les Joynes, Satoko Kiuchi, Peter McDonald, Guy Mayman, Eric van Hove, Francis Upritchard, Masahiro Wada.

  • Year: 2010
  • Materials: Human jaw bone & USB stick with data (14 folders containing videos, texts and images & 26 text files with notes)
  • Dimensions: 10 cm x 5 cm x 11 cm
  • Edition: unique
  • Courtesy: Collection of the Fenberger House Museum, Mochizuki, Nagano, Japan
  • Curated by : Roger McDonald
  • Photo: the artist